Sunday, December 25, 2005

Oh, The Glory of it All by Sean Wilsey

This book is a memoir about the child of some very rich people in San Francisco, CA. It was interesting, and also strange to realize that there was a lot I could relate to despite the HUGE differences between the lives we have lived. I did note he is almost my exact same age. One of the most interesting things is that once I was halfway through the book, I went on the internet and looked up all the main characters in it, so I was able to picture them as I read the book. It was funny how they looked so NORMAL, and were really so NUTS! (By this I mainly mean DeDe Wilsey and Pat Montandon, but also how Al Wilsey did not look all cowed by DeDe even though he really was).

At first, I found myself relating to Sean's difficulties as I had been a kind of rebellious kid. I had some problems, though not nearly as severe as his! Then later, as he became an older teenager, I realized I related him to Demetreus and felt more of his parents' frustration and his counselors' frustration with him. The disappointment between knowing what he was capable of and what he actually chose to do with himself. However, they were totally oblivious how much they hurt him. It made me think to act more carefully how I treat Demetreus.

My favorite part in the whole book was when Sean's friend, Spence, told Sean's mom off as they were retrieving the rest of his belongings from her house. It was kind of a validation that she really was as nuts and that it was obvious to people "outside" the family and who really knew what was going on viewed Pat.

It seems that Sean grew up pretty well considering all he went through. It gives me hope for Demetreus. All in all, this is a pretty decent book, but I probably won't read it again.

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