What a great picture of me and my 3 kids before all the awful stuff began to happen - and it's so fun seeing the first time we met my sweet little nephew, Conal, who has grown to be the bestest friend of my little Amaria! I did this for a speed scrap at Ginger Scraps hosted by JaneAgain, using the kit Destiny by Manda's Scrappin' Creations at Stuff to Scrap.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
090828 Sweet Dreams
This is a product of the most difficult speed scrap I've ever done - thanks to Lorry Fach - was great fun, and I'm totally happy about the way it ended up! I used my own kit, With A Child's Heart.
090828 Sisters
I made this page with a cute pic of the two girls in order to practice a hair editing technique, where I extract the picture, and then add hair strands to make the hair look more realistic. This was a Ginger Scraps challenge for August, 2009. I used the kit Floatin on a Breeze by Scraps of Ellay.
090826 Wild Rice Salad
A truly Minnesotan recipe, for a recipe scrapping challenge at Ginger Scraps, August 2009. I got the recipe from a user called alanak at 2 Fat Als. Kit used is A Little Off by Stolen Moments of Sunshine Studio Scraps.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
$1 Day at Bouquet of Pixels!!

But these are just MY things - there's plenty more on sale! Head on over!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Knittinjen's "With A Child's Heart" Kit
I began with the name of a song I love, and brought together a number of things that remind me of children, and their cheerful, joyful, creative, loving hearts! Teddy bears to cuddle, trains to drive on great expeditions, balloons to bounce, crafts of construction paper, and lots of glitter, beads, buttons, ribbons, and other things children love! I was also inspired by a crafty CU kit by Nibbles Skribbles - thanks Manda! This is for children of all ages, either gender, and any season! The kit has 55 elements, 20 papers, and a full alpha. It is for personal use, S4H, or S4O. Drop shadows have been added to the preview only - not in the kit. Can be purchased at Bouquet of Pixels - just click on preview to see.
And as I don't have a CT team just yet, here is some eye candy created by ME with my kit!

Here's a layout which uses one of the word art creations which I will have available in a freebie kit add-on sometime before the end of August - keep your eyes open!

This layout was created using my Good Morning mini-kit by Digides at Hummie's World. She did a beautiful job, and took some beautiful pix! Though at first when I saw this layout, I was looking for the bird! haha! The kit can be found at my BOP store here: bouquetofpixels.com/catalog/index.php?main_page=index&...
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Guinevere's Beauty - fabulous new Ellay kit!

Mica, Amaria, and Zoe enjoying rides at Hugo's annual carnival! I used the newest kit by Scraps of Ellay called Guinivere's Beauty! Can be found at Stuff to Scrap www.stufftoscrap.com!
090823 Amaria Beauty
I love scrapping simple pix of Amaria's gorgeous, soft face! Nothing special going on, no occasion, just all hanging out. I used the beautiful new kit by Scraps of Ellay of Stuff to Scrap - called Guinevere's Beauty. Available at www.stufftoscrap.com.
I did this for a speed scrap at Ginger Scraps led by Becka.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Knittinjen's "With A Child's Heart" Kit
I began with the name of a song I love, and brought together a number of things that remind me of children, and their cheerful, joyful, creative, loving hearts! Teddy bears to cuddle, trains to drive on great expeditions, balloons to bounce, crafts of construction paper, and lots of glitter, beads, buttons, ribbons, and other things children love! This is for children of all ages, either gender, and any season! The kit has 55 elements, 20 papers, and a full alpha. It is for personal use, S4H, or S4O. Drop shadows have been added to the preview only - not in the kit. Can be purchased at Bouquet of Pixels!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Good Morning Mini Kit!

I made this little mini kit for a participation prize for a quote challenge I am hosting at Hummie's World (prize good through 9/15/09). It's also on sale in my store for only $1.99, but you should go to Hummie's World, make a layout using the quote and get the kit for free!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
090818 Transportation
The story of my last two vehicles - hilarious and makes me so grateful for my parents! I made this for the "what" challenge at Stuff to Scrap, category being Transportation. This is a great challenge because it gets us to scrap the things of everyday life that we may not have otherwise, but which will be fun to remember years later - as this story truly is! I used the kit Growing Up by Stolen Moments (Amber) of Sunshine Studio Scraps and Scrap Matters.
090819 Little Funky
I absolutely love the color orange, especially with green, but seldom have a kit or the pix to go with it - so this kit, A Little Bit Off, by Stolen Moments of Sunshine Studios, along with the orange-ish sweater I made for Amaria - made for a page I will always LOVE!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
090818 My Song
This is a page from a speed scrap where I actually am thrilled with how it turned out - I think my prettiest layout ever! I used Flower Scraps' kit Music except flowers & leaves, which come from my kit, Farewell My Summer Love.
090818 Me & You
Amaria and I have a special bond because she's the baby, and we LOVED sneaking out to be alone together. Now, the other 2 are gone, and we get all the alone time we want...it was kinda funner when we had to work hard at it! I used a new kit by Digilicious Designs at Digiscrap Mania called A Girl Thing. Made for a speed scrap at Ginger Scraps.
090818 Sweet Dreams Conal
Such a cute little sleepy nephew! I used Wynken Blynken & Nod by Stolen Moments (a collab with Scraps by Jenn but I only used Amber's part) - available at Sunshine Studio Scraps.
Monday, August 17, 2009
090818 The Girls
Amaria's little cousins are growing up so cute! When they are together, they are not too hard to tell apart (Olivia is a little more petite) but when not together, still very hard to tell apart - even for their mom! I used the fun kit Alphabet Remix by Stolen Moments Designs of Sunshine Studio Scraps and a template by Robyn Pali of Enchanted Studio Scraps.
090818 Amaria & Zoe
This is an adorable template by Jewel Scraps of Enchanted Studio Scraps, and the kit is Pop & Fizz by Stolen Moments of Sunshine Studio Scraps. The adorableness is all in Zoe's cheeks - cute little girl chubby cheeks! Looking at this picture is fun, because now Amaria is the same age as Zoe was then. Her cheeks aren't that chubby, though!
090816 Angels
Noah, Amaria, and Antonia are the "angels" at New Life (our church) because of this great pic we took of them when they were angels for the Christmas show a few years back. Made this page for a speed scrap at Ginger Scraps using kit Scrap Happy by Mel Hains of Scrap That Idea.
090816 Amaria Dancing
The benefit of scrapping (and photoshop) is that we can do something special with low quality pix - cuz sometimes they capture high-quality moments! As in this layout...I used the kit Gypsy by Scraps of Ellay, a freebie on her blog beginning August 17, 2009. See next post down for preview of whole kit, and preview is linked to Ellay's blog!
090809 I Dream
Amaria so cute blowing on a dandelion fluff! I used the kit Gypsy by Scraps of Ellay at Stuff to Scrap, which is out today (August 17, 2009) as a blog freebie - click on preview to head over and pick it up!

Saturday, August 15, 2009
090815 Amaria's Room
I'm just in love with my own kit, what can I say? Well, that's good, I guess. This is some of the nifty stuff I was able to get for Amaria when she finally had her own bedroom! It's my Farewell My Summer Love kit available at Bouquet of Pixels.
090815 Taia & Paddy
Yet another layout with my Farewell My Summer Love kit (including some of the stuff from the add-on freebie) - the alpha for the word BEAUTY is by Stephanie Ulrich, a freebie for today's speed scrap (participation prize) at Ginger Scraps.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Add-On Freebie to Farewell My Summer Love

Click on the preview above to be taken to Bouquet of Pixels and pick up my freebie add-on! And if you are loving that, check out the preview of the full kit!

Here are 3 pages I created with the kit.

And here are 2 pages created by GripDesign's Creative - an awesome CT member for Bouquet of Pixels!

Speed Scrapping Mania has hit STS!

Wow, how generous! This is no MINI kit - this a generous, full-sized kit. I sure want it for free, so see you Saturday morning!

And check out these gorgeous alphas! See you Sunday evening - cuz I want em!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
090811 Seven Million
My adorable nephews and daughter had such a fun time this May when they came to visit - I used Secret Garden kit by Just For You Digi Scraps - free on her blog! Just click on the layout to check it out!
090811 Here I Come
My adorable granddaughter, Taia - in her big white tee! Doesn't she look adorable? This was on her 2nd 4th of July, at her other grandparents' house. I used my own awesome kit, Farwell My Summer Love (hey, if I don't toot my own horn, who else will?) which can be found by clicking on the layout.
090811 Life Hurts
My little granddaughter is such a funny girl. She is so precious, and I miss her now that she doesn't live with me! I created this page using Floatin on a Breeze - a freebie collab, but I just used Scraps of Ellay's part. This is a freebie on Scraps of Ellay's blog (this imagine linked to her blog), and two others (you can link to them from her blog). See below for preview of all 3 parts, and the previews are also linked to the blogs.
Monday, August 10, 2009
090810 Flight
My beautiful daughter, Amaria, this June scrapped with my own kit, Farewell My Summer Love which can be picked up at my store at Bouquet of Pixels - click on image to be sent to my store. See a couple of posts down for the preview of the kit which includes 20 papers, nearly 50 elements (not all shown on preview), and a full alpha including upper case, lower case, numbers, and symbols. (Isn't my little girl just GORGEOUS!?)
Another Threebie FREEBIE!!!

Check out the gorgeous kit by Scraps of Ellay, Dream Big Designs, and Jenn Ck Designs! Here's a layout I did with Scraps of Ellay's part. The coolest part - it's FREE this week! Click each preview (two more are below my layout) to head to their blogs and pick it up!! Be sure to check back at each blog all week to pick up all the parts of the kit.