This is my Week 2 Survivor layout, where I scraplifted a beautiful layout called "The Islands" by user name Court8133 found at: I used my kit Vanilla Daisies for this layout. The amazing thing about this layout is that I did it in PSP having NEVER used that program before, but stuck somewhere that's all I had access to. So that explains the VERY simple layout, and any mistakes I may have made, too.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
$1 Day at Bouquet of Pixels!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009
090726 Survive
Well I am continuing on to Week 2 of Ginger Scraps' Survivor challenge, and I can't possibly get voted off, because this layout is my Immunity Challenge! Umm, I don't really think anybody is going to get kicked off this island...but that's okay, we're all having a blast! I used my own little kit, Rock With You, to create this page about the 10 (okay, 13 or 14) things I can't survive without.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Quick Page Freebie
Wow, check out this great page made by Jane of Little Red Scraps using my FIRST EVER for sale kit, Vanilla Daisies, at Bouquet of Pixels! Jane did a great job, this is so pretty. Click on the preview to be taken to Jane's blog to download the quick page. And if you like this, click on the preview below to check out my Vanilla Daisies kit (and others).
Plus, you will want to bookmark Jane's blog (and mine if you haven't already haha) because although it's relatively new, that lady is AWESOME! I can't wait to see what she comes up with next. And she is doing a contest of some sort to win free stuff, so really, check her out. You'll be glad you did!
Dirty Diana Page by Share Joy
Wow, Joy of Share Joy designing fame, was kind enough to send me this page she created with my Michael Jackson tribute kit, Dirty Diana. She did a GREAT job! Thanks Joy!
Click on the image to head over to Joy's blog and see what nifty stuff she has to offer, and click here to check out my kits - including 2 (so far) Michael Jackson tribute kits.
090724 Paradise
So here's my first page for the Ginger Scraps Survivor contest - I'm nervous! I don't like the idea of possibly being judged OFF the contest. But with these gorgeous pictures of Tina Korba-Brama's kids in PARADISE, I don't see how that could happen. We'll see... This was created using the collab kit from Ginger Scraps called Another Day in Paradise!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Knittinjen Birthday Sale
Yep, I'm turning 38, and you can benefit from that! Click on the ad, and purchase any and/or all of my kits for 38% off! Hurry, because although I'll be 38 for the whole year, this sale only lasts until Wednesday, July 29. Don't miss out!
Rock With You - my newest kit!
My second kit giving tribute to Michael Jackson - one of my fave songs, Rock With You, caused me to think of babies - how we love to rock our babies! So I created this great kit with soft baby colors. It has 16 papers and a whopping 50 elements (not all shown in the preview), along with two full alphas! Be sure to click on the kit to be whisked away to BOP to pick up this gorgeous new kit!
Friday, July 17, 2009
090717 Amaria & Zeke
My first page made with my first kit made for sale at my shop at Bouquet of Pixels! The kit is Vanilla Daisies - see the little daisy-like flower next to Amaria's leg? This photo is the inspiration for this kit, so I figured I'd better scrap with it.
Vanilla Daisies Quick Page Freeebie!

Here's a quick page from my VERY OWN Vanilla Daisies kit! I based this QP on a layout I made using the picture for which this kit was made - look closely, and you can see a little daisy-like flower next to Amaria's leg - I just love it! So just click on the preview to be whisked away to Bouquet of Pixels and pick up the page free. And if you like it, you may be interested in the kit it came from. Here's the preview for that kit - clicking it will bring you to my store. Happy Scrapping!
090716 Happy Meme

This happy Christmas page was created using this new, cheerful kit, Shiny Happy People, by Share Joy of Bouquet of Pixels. Click on preview to see more details and/or purchase the kit!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Knittinjen's Dirty Diana - Tribute to Michael Jackson
As a child of the 80's, I was completely obsessed with Michael Jackson growing up! His death came as a shock, and I was sad (though not as devastated as I'd have been as a child - after all, I have 3 kids, a son-in-law, a grandkid, a dog, and all kinds of other people to worry about now), but I still felt awfully sad and really nostalgic. I've shared his videos with my 9-year-old daughter (and created a new fan!), and wanted a way to memorialize him that didn't involve something crazy like traveling to California. an artist memorializes in her art, I will memorialize Michael Jackson my my digi-scrap art!
So this is the first in a series of kits inspired by Michael Jackson songs. Not necessarily the content (family-friendly, that's me!) but the title. This kit is for girls who like to get out and play in the mud! There are a total of 11 papers, 38 elements, and a complete alpha (upper, lower, number, symbol). Not all elements are shown on the preview (and none of the alpha, but it's awesome!). Please read my TOU. Also, if you've created a layout with my kit, please send me a copy (my e-mail is in my TOU) and I'd love to put it on my blog, and link to to your blog. I'd love to see what you create with my work!
Special thanks for this kit to Scrappy Shannon of Pretty Scrappy, who created the mud styles just as I was getting the idea for this kit - they are wonderful, aren't they?
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
090714 Beautiful Girls
Here's Amaria with her best buddy, Madi, and her beautiful niece, Taia, in the summer of 2008. I used this beautiful kit called Beautiful Day by Digilicious Scraps from Digi Scrap Mania!
See the preview in the post below this - and click on it to go and buy this BEAUTIFUL kit!
090714 Beautiful Meech
Ah, my matter what ever happens, the fact is he was a beautiful, beautiful boy! Not sure he'd want to hear me say that, but it still can't be denied! I used this beautiful kit called Beautiful Day by Digilicious Scraps from Digi Scrap Mania! Here's the preview of the kit - click on it to be whisked away to purchase - this kit is BEAUTIFUL!

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Vanilla Daisies is here!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Wednesday, July 08, 2009
090603 Taia & Emma

My gorgeous granddaughter and my gorgeous sister-in-law together at Thanksgiving, 2008. Used the AWESOME kit Neutrality by Digilicious Designs from Digiscrap Mania. This is the kit preview - click on it to be taken to purchase if you are interested!
090708 Love Actually
This is a quote from the movie, Love Actually, which I haven't seen, but Ellay from Stuff to Scrap chose for a quote challenge. The best part of the quote is not on this page - it is about how on 9/11, all the rushed calls were made of love, not one out of hatred and revenge. I used Butterflies Are Free by Scraps of Ellay of Stuff to Scrap.
090708 Meech Beach
I've always sung little songs to Meech with the words Meech and Beach - for obvious reasons. So of course I had to find a picture of him at the beach for this kit, "Just Beachy" by ScrappyShannon! You can find this adorable kit at Pretty Scrappy!
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
090707 Brennan Beach

I saw this background on Scrappy Shannon, and KNEW I had to find a kid to walk around on it! So I found this picture of Brennan (on my porch), extracted him, and put him on the sandy beach. (The water is just over the rise - that's where he's heading). This is from the brand-new kit, Just Beachy, by Scrappy Shannon at Pretty Scrappy.
Here is a preview of the kit. Click on the page above or the preview to be taken to purchase this kit!
Monday, July 06, 2009
090706 Awesome Girls
I'm just not into Halloween colors, so I decided to scrap the Halloween 2008 pix with these instead! Using a template by Robyn Pali and the Funky mega collab kit by Enchanted Studio Scraps.
090706 Father's Day
Amaria was all bummed out on the morning of Father's Day, because her dad wasn't able to come over. Then - surprise! He was able to make it after all. They spent the day together and had the best of times. Created using Reflections mini kit by the Sunshine Wonder Girls at Sunshine Studio Scraps!
090706 Amaria Playground
These pix reminded me of what we did this weekend - Amaria brought me to her school (oneka) and showed me all the fun stuff she does there! Some things never change. I did this with Summer Vacation by Scraps of Ellay of Stuff to Scrap.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
090612 Amaria 5
Well, the journaling on the page tells the story. I used Bold & Beautiful by Just for You Digi-Scraps of Enchanted Studio Scraps.