Good Ol' Zeke - we still miss him terribly. Here Amaria snuggles with him and Scottie. For template challenge (template by daisydil) and kit Wild Cherry Tea by Gingerscraps.
Monday, June 29, 2009
090629 Lovely Lisha
2005 was the year Lisha started wearing pink - with a vengeance! And I LOVE it - see how beautiful she is!!!??? Created for storybook challenge at Enchanted Studio Scraps, using the Pretty in Pink kit by Scrappyweiss Designs.
Friday, June 26, 2009
RIP Michael Jackson
Thursday, June 25, 2009
090625 Amaria's Stuffies
I completed this page using Wish You a Rainbow by Sherri Tierney for Sunshine Studios template challenge using a template by daisydil. This is Amaria with a few of her buddies!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
090624 Good Ol Zeke

Here's my good ol' beagle Zeke, gone nearly 3 years ago. I just love him! I used the new kit, Life Is Ruff, by Digilicious Designs - the preview is here, and click on the preview if you want to purchase!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
090623 Amaria Meets Humphrey
Well I've been sick, and haven't scrapped for AGES! Over a WEEK! I used this fabulous new girly dog kit, Petals & Paws, by Digilicious Designs over at Digi Scrapbook Mania! Here is a preview of the kit - check it out!

Monday, June 22, 2009
Stuff to Scrap Sizzlin Summer Sale!

Friday, June 12, 2009
090612 2009 Good Neighbor Days
These girls are having themselves a GREAT time! I used Playground Days by The Latest Scoop, Too, of Stuff to Scrap.
090612 Comfy Lisha
An awesome quote by Mark Twain, and I won't go telling the story of the Apple Valley High School yearbook that showed the difference between a freshman and a senior and how they dress, because Lisha is sick to death of that story. Let's just say, she has been like a senior since she was a freshman! I made this for a quote challenge at Stuff to Scrap using the kit Smile by Digi-Designs by Nicole.
090612 Spidey Sense
Weren't they adorable? Meech teaching Amaria how to shoot webs like a spider man! I used the kit Once Upon a Time by Color With Caryn, and the words Spidey Sense are in the font Home Remedy.
090612 Amaria Headphones
My gorgeous girls! Using mini kit Lime in the Coconut by Danimoy of Enchanted Studio Scraps for a pixie pouch challenge!
090611 Baby Amaria
This will be an early page in Amaria's 10th birthday gift book! I want her to know how precious she was, what a great gift to our family! I created this for the June pickpocket pixie challenge at Enchanted Studio Scraps, scraplifting Ellie80's Imagination layout. I used Scrappers Delight kit Mega Spring - great baby colors!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Sweet Kitty
I just had to share with you all this sweet, loving kitty, Precious. Isn't she a darling? Don't you just wanna snuggle right up with her?
090611 Knifty Knits
Continuing the alpha book, I used a little scrappetic license with Knifty Knits - and for anybody who sees this and wondered why I'm a scrapper with the name knittinjen - wonder no more! I did this using the awesome Sara Ellis' kit Sunshine Sugar, from Enchanted Studio Scraps.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
090610 Dancing Siblings
Oh, look at the sweet, happy face on my boy. He just adored his little sister, he had joy and happiness. How long has it been since I've seen him happy and joyful like this? Okay, enough whining - I made this page with a template by Robyn Pali and the kit Blue-Green Summer by Chris Greiser.
090610 Calendar
June 2009 Calendar using Best Friends kit by A+ Designs for Enchanted Studio Scraps.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
090609 Ike Last Day
What a ham! You'd never know she was utterly heartbroken to be leaving her school would you? I used Flower Seeds by EEAM.
090609 Amaria's Laughter
I've always loved these smiley pix. The blanket behind Amaria's head is the top of the quilt that I began making for Lisha in 2001- and which Emma finished and returned to her in 2009! I used Candy Coatings by DDBN of STS.
Monday, June 08, 2009
090608 Amaria Nicole
Look at those eyes! They look like one of those dogs or cats they make cards with where they make the eyes bigger than they really are - except that's how big my beautiful baby's eyes were!
This was another one of those insane challenges - use as many kits as you can from Sunshine Studios designers, one thing from each one. So you have to go to Sunshine if you want to see credits - too long to list here!
Saturday, June 06, 2009
090606 Reading Together
I adore my baby girl! I used the Say Cheese kit by Wimpy Chompers from Sunshine Studios to scrap this awesome memory of me and Amaria!
090606 Delight
As I am the picture taker, there aren't all that many pix of me and Amaria together. So the few that there are will ALL get into Amaria's book. Here's one of them! I used Bahama Mama collab kit from Sunshine Studios Scrap.
090606 Tree Hugger
Here you go, Emma! That's your boy! A true tree hugger is Brennan! I LOVE this photo - he just told me he wanted to hug the tree, so of course, my camera was ready. I used Welcome to the Jungle kit by Designz by Kristi at Sunshine Studios.
090605 Amaria Pooch
I keep making pages saying "this is one of my favorite pix of Amaria" - well, let's face it, she's very adorable and very photogenic! So this is another one of my fave pix of Amaria! I made this page using the Backyard Garden by Kristi W of Sunshine Studio Scraps.
090606 Backyard Cousins
I've been scrapping so many "old" photos I thought I would do some recent ones - this is the most recent visit David's family made. I used the Welcome to the Jungle kit by Designz by Kristi at Sunshine Studio Scraps.
Friday, June 05, 2009
090605 Amaria Blading
I was so proud of Amaria for giving this a try and learning so quickly! I used Sunshine Studios collab kit Sunny ADSR for this fun summetime layout!
090604 The Approach
I made this layout with the first kit I ever bought from Sunshine Studios - Sunny ADSR (not sure what the ADSR stands for).
090605 Amaria's 3
I'm working my way thru pix of Amaria thru the years so I can give them to her for her 10th birthday in a big book by Blurb. This is her 3rd birthday - she was so completely obsessed with Wizard of Oz! I used Make A Wish by Stolen Moments and Trixie Scraps from Sunshine Studio Scraps.
Beauty - Then & Now

I basically like the way the layout is as far as positioning - well the pic kind of had to be where it is based on the edges of it. I made the sweater so I didn't want to cut or dissolve that out of the pic. And I didn't want to flip her to look the other way because I like her looking this way. So I decided that instead of matching the colors of the skin and sweater, I would use bright & contrasting colors. I got the wall out of her head, played around a bit with saturation, and kept with the night time theme by using the Wynken Blynken & Nod kit. And I like this layout, tho it's not that much different, much better!

Thursday, June 04, 2009
090604 Amaria & Jeannie
This is one of my fave laugh photos of Amaria - she just laughs so completely and puts her whole self into it! Jeannie was cracking up at Amaria cracking up. They were at Mary Schifsky's house for Leah's baby shower for John. I created this for the Sunshine scrap-a-thon using their collab kit Walking on Sunshine.
090603 Hello
I've always loved this photo of Conal, Ginny, and Amaria, though it is not a high quality photo (kind of part washed out and parts were too dark). But through digi-scrapping, I was able to use it despite the flaws! This is my nephew Conal & his Gramma Ginny, and my little girl Amaria (when she was REALLY little!). Used A Sunny Day by Mary's Scrapdesigns at Sunshine Studios for their 1st Anniversary Scrap-a-Thon!
090602 Lovely Taia
I take zillions of digital photos, and this is why. Every once in awhile, you just get a picture so PERFECTLY BEAUTIFUL - as this one is of Taia. That smile, those eyes - I could look at this little kid all day. She is such a joy! For this page I used the kit Lovely by Mel Hains at Scrap That Idea.
090602 Donation Tree
Ike is only in 5th grade, if you can believe it! He's one of the nicest kids - which makes sense cuz he has awesome parents! Karen is the Interim Children's Ministry Director, and really fun! These are people from the church I work at, St Stephen. For this page I used Apple Spice by Mel Hains at Scrap That Idea.
090602 Arts Fair
Amaria had so much fun at this fair! I used School Days by Sweet Blossom at Scrap That Idea.
Monday, June 01, 2009
Stuff to Scrap BLOG TRAIN!

Links expired, you can now purchase at my store at Bouquet of Pixels
And here are all the stops on this fabulous train!
Always Be Neighbors Designs
Becky Young Designs
Dream Big Designs
Dreams Inspired
Digi-designs by Nicole
Eva Marina Scraps
Every EverAfter Moment
Flower Scraps
Jackie Torres
JW Digi-Scraps
Mad Genius Designs
My Digaddiction
Nibbles Skribbles
Pure Pixel Designs
Resistance is Futile
Scrappin' Serenity
Scrapping Sisters
Scrapping Words
Scraps of Ellay
Seal Scraps
Sexy And Hot Mama Scrapper
Shel Belle Scraps
Tanya's Crossbone Cuts
Tery Hooson,/a>
The Latest Scoop, Too
The Scrappy Kat