Friday, October 30, 2009
Halloween Sale @ STS - Don't Miss!

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Autumn Home - MY new kit!

Well it's been awhile since I've come out with a kit - my designing mojo has been hiding out! Maybe in a leaf pile, I don't know. But I hosted a challenge and had to come up with a prize, thus FORCING myself to do a bit of designing, so HERE IT IS! Autumn Home, and I will have some layouts for you to look at in the next day or two. In the meantime, here is the preview, linked to my store. You can pick this up for only $2.99 over at Bouquet of Pixels.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
No Ordinary Girl - AWESOME by Scraps of Ellay

Harvest Thanks by Dream Big Designs

And here's one layout I made with this adorable kit!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Blog Prompt for Lisa at Sunshine Studios
I began digital scrapping in 2005. I worked for a company that bought me Photoshop CS (the 1st one, so no number yet) to make a map. 1 map. $800 for 1 map. SOOOO....I thought perhaps I ought to put it to more use, even if not for my company. I can't remember how I heard about digiscrapping, but I got into it right away with my Photoshop! There wasn't NEARLY as much on the internet then as there is now, so I mostly made my own stuff, and very boring pages. I did get excited about beveling and drop shadowing, but the cool clusters and glitters and stuff we have now - I don't think they existed anywhere! Sadly, I left that job - well, the sad part was leaving the Photoshop. I couldn't afford $800, and hadn't yet heard of PS Elements.
Fast Forward to fall 2008, I was in a job where I had Photoshop Elements and learned that it was really nearly as good as Photoshop CS for digiscrapping, especially considering all the free stuff online! This whole blog train thing BLEW MY MIND and before I knew it, I had collected about 25gb of free digiscrap stuff (hadn't made a page yet though!). Finally in March 2009, I had begun to recognize the higher quality digi products, designers, etc. And learned that without spending money, I just wasn't going to get such high quality stuff. So the digi-scrap budget was born (but I still watch out for awesome, high-quality freebies!) and I've spent about $500 (PLEASE don't tell my mom!!) on digi-scrap stuff since then. I finally began making pages because I bought a charity kit and wanted to use it. I also began making pages because I am making this great big huge book for my daughter's 10th birthday (coming up in November) and now I have to actually pare the book DOWN from over 400 pages I've made, to pick all the perfect ones for her. I'm having it printed by Blurb.
I'm learning about my family history and want to be able to provide something for my descendants to find out more easily the way that we lived, the things we did. The oral histories and available records for my family have brought me back to France in the 1600's. Interesting fact: the first person killed by the modern-day guillotine was my ancestor, Charles Pelletier! It's true! I'm sure he was innocent, though (actually, knowing French history, he really probably was). Anyway, I hope that generations who come after me will enjoy my scrapbooks and will continue to create similar things so that it will be less difficult to find out information in future times!
The exciting scrap thing that has happened to me today is - I won a free kit! It is called Me, Myself by Janice's Scraps at Sunshine Studio - see the preview below. Click on the preview to pick it up for yourself. But nyah, nyah, you can't have it free like me! BUT if you DO want a free kit, also see the post below this one and join in my Bingo game at Sunshine Studios - you can win a free kit by ME! I admit, I'm not as great a designer as Janice, but I'm okay, and it is free, so what're you waiting for?

I'm Hosting a Bingo Game!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
091020 Fallin For You
Created using my own quick page with Fallin For You by Simply Scraps of Sunshine Studio Scraps. If you are a scrapper, you can join this quick page challenge, and get all the pages everybody made at the end of the month. Click on layout to see the kit, and click here to see the quick page forum instructions.
Fallin For You by Simply Scraps - beautiful!

091020 Fall Fest, originally uploaded by knittinjen.
This is the Fall Fest at my church (New Life Lutheran in Hugo) in 2009 - we had such a great time! I used this GORGEOUS fall kit, Fallin For You, by Simply Scraps of Sunshine Studio Scraps. Click on kit preview to be taken to store to pick it up!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Bumps & Bruises - Adorable New Kit!

Poor Amaria and Taia - both feeling awful this night. Amaria was at the beginning of what ended up being H1N1 (as far as we know) and Taia was just over tired! I used this ADORABLE kit by Dream Big Designs of Divine Digital - Bumps & Bruises. Click on the preview to head to her store and pick this up - and check out the other adorable kits for sale!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Honey Bee My Little Lady - Awesome Kit!
hese are Amaria's adorable little cousins (Monica's twin girls), Claire & Olivia. They just turned 2! I used this cool kit from Sherri Tierney - it's actually 2 kits, Honey Bee and My Little Lady. Then she made an additional kit to combine then with both bee & lady bug stuff, and you can buy the whole set together. Cool, huh? Click on layout to check out this awesome set on Sunshine Studios!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
091017 I Braided
I wish my photography skills were such that you could really see the braid better, but trust me, it's AWESOME! I made this with the kit She Said by Sherri Tierney at Sunshine Studio Scraps. Just click on the layout to check it out!
091017 I'm Melting
I had Amaria do this set of picture with this EXACT layout in mind - it turned out even better than I imagined, thanks to this awesome kit, I Know Jack, by Sherri Tierney. Here are previews of I Know Jack, and a collection of 4 cute little Halloween kits you can pick up at Sunshine Studios (and Sherri's other stores). Click on previews to head to Sherri at Sunshine!
Friday, October 16, 2009
091016 Parachute Babies
This layout of Olive & Martin at the Newlife Fall Fun Fest (2009) was scrapped using the GORGEOUS kit by one of my new favorite designers, Scrapidea-Timkova, called Rainbow Dreams, available at Sunshine Studio Scraps. Click the picture to be taken to her store to pick up this and more of her beautiful designs!
Sunshine Wonder Girls October Kit
This is a great contest run each month at Sunshine Studios - the Wonder Girls give out a free kit, one week at a time, and you make layouts each week with the ever-increasing kit. At the end of the month, 4 people win $5 gift certificates to Sunshine Studios, and one lucky scrapper wins a $20 gift certificate to Sunshine! This is my October layout for the 2nd week. Click on layout and you can join in the contest, too.
We had a GREAT time this year at the Fall Fun Fest - Amaria and Diana got to be kind of matching - a pink & a green witch!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Gorgeous Laying with kit by Palvinka Designs!
This is my baby cousin, Nila, on Lois & Gerry's 50th Anniversary using Palvinka Designs' kit, Flying in the Sky, done for a Random Challenge at Sunshine Studio. Kit is available there as well (click image to head over there now!)
30% Off All Day at Sunshine Studios!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
091014 JoAnn Grace

This beautiful layout of this beautiful woman (my aunt) was done using Sherri Tierney's kit, Strength and Grace, available at Sunshine Studios. The word art is by CaroB71 of Sunshine Studios. Kit can be found at Sunshine by clicking on preview below.
2 Fabulous Kits by Sherri Tierney at Sunshine Studios!

Here are a couple of layouts I've done with these kits.

Me, Myself - a GORGEOUS new kit by Janice's Scraps

Dream Big Designs Grand Opening at Divine Digital

Did you all know I am on the CT for Dream Big Designs? Well, I am, and I am also happy to announce her store opening at Divine Digital! To celebrate, she is giving away this kit FREE! Click on the flier above to head over to Divine Digital and pick up the free kit - and check out all her other gorgeous kits, too! Check back here later today or tomorrow to see a few layouts using this adorable kit. Now, what are you waiting for - head over to Divine Digital!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
091013 Wayne's Pumpkin
This past Sunday, Wayne's pumpkin won 1st prize - it helps to have an amazing Grandma like Penny! I used Sherri Tierney's kit, Falltastic, for this layout, available at Sunshine Studios.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Rainbow of Hope Charity Collab - Stuff to Scrap
There are 60 papers in this mega kit.

There are 76 elements in this mega kit!

Here's the alpha - the ribbons can easily be recolored!

Thursday, October 08, 2009
091008 Wayne's Page
My new roommate's son sees my layouts scroll across my computer screen so he was wondering when he was going to be in a page - so here is WAYNE! I used Play All Day by Stolen Moments & Scraps by Jenn, Sunshine Studios (at least Amber is) and the template by CaroB71, of Sunshine Studios!
091008 Olivia on the Prairie
Ever since I first took this picture 5 years ago, I have seen it as looking like Little House on the Prairie. I'm glad I waited until my scrapping skills were good enough to REALLY scrap it that way! I used the Sunshine Studio Wonder Girls October Week 1 kit, Fall Whisper.
090930 Taia Outside
My beautiful granddaughter out in the summer sun! I used a kit called Lazy Summer Days by Shanmomto4 Designs at Sunshine Studio Scraps, and a template by the awesome Scraps of Ellay of Stuff to Scrap.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
091007 Amaria Closeup
Oh, it was SOOO hard for me not to add more stuff!!! I just forebore - okay not totally - I added that wire. And that swirly glitter. I love how it looks, but white space is NOT easy for me to pull off! Anyway, this was a template by "Wonder Girl" Jeneva4U (Jennifer) from Sunshine Studios, using Copacetic kit by Amanda Carlson, also of lovely Sunshine Studios!

091006 Ike 1st Grade
I used a template by Starwars Girl and a kit called Best Friends by A+ Designs, both of Enchanted Studio Scraps.
091006 Matt N Taia
Have I mentioned how much I love pix of dads & babies? Well, I do, and I LOVE this one of Matt & Taia - I love how she's reaching up to him, and how cute she is in this big ol' t-shirt! I used the kit Lazy Summer Days by Shanmomto4 of Sunshine Studio Scraps. I scraplifted a layout by yeonie0379 at Sunshine.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Witches Brew - awesome new kit by Dream Big Designs

THIS layout is so adorable, I got LOTD'd (Layout of the Day) for it today, October 6, at Divine Digital! Wow, thanks!

This layout features my FAVORITE color, lime green, so of course it is totally awesome! Cheri (Dream Big lady) just opened her store at Divine Digital, so go check out here great designs!

Friday, October 02, 2009
091002 Miss You
In a way...in a way I'm kinda glad she's gone. Life is much happier and less dramatic for Amaria now without her. But I'm glad their last night was good. I used Cosmic Charlie by Scraps of Ellay, available at Stuff to Scrap.
The Most Amazing Hybrid Craft EVER

Thursday, October 01, 2009
Sunshine Playground Charity Kit
As you know, Tara is on my CT and she is such a special person! I could go on and on about this terrific lady, trust me! You can read about her and her beautiful daughter below. And, you can learn more about No Child Left Out HERE.
So, in purchasing this kit, you not only get an AWESOME kit (and one of our best, I think), but you are contributing to a very worthy cause (if you’d like to contribute more, you can do so at the above link).
Are you ready for the previews? You’re gonna love it! (All images are linked to the store) Here is the full kit:
And just the papers:
And just the elements:
Seriously! How cute is that!?
Here is a layout that was done by Scraps of Ellay (her niece’s little girl at her third birthday party)…this kit was PERFECT for those pics!
And here is the QP preview…again, all proceeds go to the No Child Left Out project.
The colors are so awesome in this kit! You’re gonna love it! What are you waiting for? Go ahead over to STS and snag it! :)