This was made with Scraps of Ellay's newest kit, a great-big mega kit called Cosmic Charlie, available on Stuff to Scrap.
This was made with Scraps of Ellay's newest kit, a great-big mega kit called Cosmic Charlie, available on Stuff to Scrap.
Wasn't he an adorable little guy!?!? I used my new kit, Workin Day & Night, to scrap this. The kit (see preview below) is available for only $1 today only (9/16/09) at Bouquet of Pixels! Click on kit previews to be whisked away to purchase them for only $1!
Aww, my little baby girl! I did this for a word art challenge for Enchanted Studio Scraps, using a kit called "Amy's Birds" by A+ Designs, one of my FAVORITE designers at ESS!
Here's my son, Demetreus, NEAR his 1st birthday...I figured since he was so little, he wouldn't know what date we celebrated. He had a great time with the cake! I used the kit "In the Neighborhood" by Pretty Scrappy and a template by Stolen Moments.
Second page of funny Meech birthday pix, using Around Town by Pretty Scrappy, and a template by Stolen Moments.
I used a template by Stolen Moments and a Faith Sisters collab kit from fall 2008.
An amazing photograph somebody brought to my uncle at his work one day - my grandfather and his 10 brothers & sisters, along with my GREAT grandmother and GREAT grandfather! I love the sense of continuity of life - I've read that before, but not FELT it before. The one in the white is Agnes, and she is the one that me and a number of my cousins look like! I used the kit Unbreakable by Viva Artistry of Sunshine Studio Scraps
It's so cute to see my dad writing on the pink, girly puppy! Big tough Teamster, you know! I used the kit Bird Song by Sweet Blossom Designs of Scrap That Idea, and a template by Stolen Moments of Sunshine Studio Scraps.
Just so adorable! I used my own kit, Rock With You, available at Bouquet of Pixels, and a template by Stolen Moments of Sunshine Studio Scraps.
Created with the Sassy Princess kit by Becki Kress of Elemental Scraps, using a template by Stolen Moments of Sunshine Studios.
Amaria and Uncle Ralph in 2002. Used Wild Cherry Tea by Gingerscraps, and a template by "The 80's Me" (not ME, that's her name she designs with).
This kid keeps getting more & more beautiful as the years go on! Love her! Used the kit Doodle Me This by Stacey's Scraps at Scrap That Idea, and template by Stolen Moments.
I made this layout beginning with a template by Stolen Moments, but the layout kinda got away from me - but the basic form is still there. I used the kit Sunset which was my very first digital PURCHASE (non-freebie) kit and I love it still - it is a collab kit from Pretty Scrappy!
Hehe, I'll never forget this visit. We finally got away from the geese, and then the ducks mauled her down by the river! Ahahaha! I used the Sunny ADSR collab kit from Sunshine Studio Scraps.
I did this for a scraplift challenge at Stuff to Scrap, "lifting" a layout by Scrappity Doo Dah! I used a kit called Preppy Primary by Scrappyweiss Designs of Enchanted Studio Scraps (but *sniff sniff* not much longer, she is retiring...for now).
Sometimes I just make an entirely different kind of page! Like this! I thought this picture of Amaria went with this quote very well...but the layout didn't really seem to once I got started. Then I decided I'd leave the quote for her as a note, a prescription, on the bench in this fun, imaginary world. The kit is You and Me by Kristi W from Sunshine Studio Scraps.
The day Amaria won Green Grace, who is still an integral part of our family! I used "Take a Dip" by Digi-Designs by Nicole and Nibbles Skribbles of Stuff to Scrap.
This WAAY back layout is my daughter and son, who are now 20 & 18, back when we lived in Apple Valley and they were little and liked each other. Weren't they adorable? I used Sun Kissed by Gettin' Scrappy With Britt of Stuff to Scrap, and a template by A+ Designs of Enchanted Studio Scraps.
This will be one of the front pages in Amaria's 10th birthday book - I used a template and a kit by Stolen Moments - the kit is Pop & Fizz - of Sunshine Studio Scraps.
Another page for the "alphabet" part of Amaria's book - I know that this isn't really everything excellent in her life, but the main family and main pets. And Faith, representative of church and God, as the Sunday School teacher. I used Catch the Rainbow by JACQUEScraps of Sunshine Studio Scraps, and this AWESOME template by Hummie!
Nothing says a girl can't love climbing trees - and Amaria sure does! I used the kit Toy Box by Vicki - A Work in Progress from Scrap That Idea. And scraplifted a layout called 100% Boy by kistal1027 at Enchanted Studio Scraps!
Before you call the cops on me for abuse, she comes and sleeps until as late as she wants once we get to work haha! I used A Sunny Day by Mary's Scrap Designs of Sunshine Studios and a template by Robyn Pali of Enchnated Studio Scraps.
Odd story, but true. I used the Play All Day kit by Stolen Moments of Sunshine Studio Scraps.
I'm so excited Amaria gets to learn the piano! I'm hoping that with positive skills, like music, she will be less likely to follow the "wrong" path in life and more likely to enjoy the positive possibilities life has to offer such a talented, kind, joyful girl as herself! I used Flower Scraps' kit, music of My Heart from Stuff to Scrap.
Without great digital photography, I feel utterly blessed to have this FANTASTIC picture of Jeffrey changing Amaria's diaper for the first time! He's so huge, she was so tiny, it's just so precious! And this template, totally awesome! I had such a great time with my new drop-shadow skills - not one single plain old drop shadow - took FOREVER! This template is AWESOME! I used Lavender Fields kit, a collab from Sunshine Studios. And this was the fabulous Stephanie Ulrich's template!
I just adore my brother & his family! It was so nice to have them visit this summer. I did this page using Serenity (thought that would be a funny kit to use for this topic) by Scrappyweiss Designs at Enchanted Studio Scraps.
Ahh, they used to have such fun! I have learned a new technique used on this layout - custom drop shadows on the papers, so they don't look so ridiculously flat and perfect! I used the kit Beautiful Things by A+ Designs at Enchanted Studio Scraps and a template by Stolen Moments at Sunshine Studio Scraps.
This may look more like an R layout (reading) but the time Amaria and I spent reading was (and actually still is) the time when we would talk quietly, and she would ask me all the questions she had (has) in life - about God, friendship, family, doing right, loving one another - so our reading time is also our quiet question and snuggle time! I used Chic Shack by BvanEsch of ESS!
This month's challenge (9/09) at Sunshine Studio was to create a page with no pix - was sounding impossible until I ran across this tree just begging to define something on its empty leaves - and so it did! The kit is Once Upon a Time by Fairytale Studios of Sunshine Studio Scraps.
I had a circle theme going here (in case ya didn't notice) and I used Psychadelic Funk by Web Designz by Kristi of Sunshine Studio Scraps.
She was SOOO hilarious eating her cake - what a little slob. hahaha! I used Make A Wish by Stolen Moments & Trixie Scraps for this September 2009 quote challenge at Sunshine Studio Scraps.
Ahh, seems like a zillion years ago, and seems like just the other day...sigh! This was created using the kit School Days by Just For You Digi Scraps and a template by Stolen Moments.
Ginger Scraps speed scrap page kit is Nancy's Happy Day by Scrappyweiss of Enchanted Studio Scraps.
Not sure why, but Jeffrey is totally obsessed with Amaria wearing blue jeans - so when he's around, she does! Not sure what this goofy look was all about - just Jeffrey being silly! I made this with the Blue Jeans collab at Scrap That Idea, using a template by Stolen Moments of Sunshine Studios, for a theme challenge at Sunshine Studios!